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The Fueguina Tax Collection Agency (AREF, by its initials in Spanish) provides the citizens with a mobile application that would allow its users to carry out procedures in government systems such as State of records inquiries, a status of debts, upcoming maturities, as well as to get access to electronic payment channels.

Client: Agencia de Recaudación Fueguina
Date: August 28, 2018
Services: Creative, Ideation, Design, Development


Hybrid Application for Android and IOS


Create an iOS and Android app that allows you to carry out the management of the government agency online.


Design a user-friendly platform, intuitive and attractive, to give you the renewal was looking for the government agency. Which would allow online completion of all formalities that previously were made only personally in its differents branches.


Times were tight and demanded the participation of several external teams as well as their own. It was investigated with personnel of the organism, detecting the demands that gave meaning to the application making navigation easy, especially since, depending on the user’s objective, most of the taxpayers had to travel long distances to complete the management of their process.

As well as it was presented in a technical way and oriented only to people who were familiar with the AREF system.


A simple and clear design system was created, with bright colors and without generating doubts about the actions to be carried out.

A navigation based on typifications was proposed, where users choose their context according to the situation they need to solve, thus making it possible, in most of the time, to achieve their task, in three steps.

Given that the application was intended for the general public, we chose to combine the AREF colors so that they had a good contrast between them, facilitating the reading and identification of stages easily.

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